“Krachstroom”, also nicknamed “The High Voltage Room” or “KV-70”, is a former power station which provided electricity distribution to several steel sites in the region. Collateral damage to an industry in decline, this site has been shut down for many years.

This power station must have been magnificent in the past and it has managed to retain its charm despite time. The building is divided into two parts: on the one hand the power station, on the other the distribution station.

On the power plant side, the large hall is unfortunately empty but nevertheless very aesthetic. To this day I have never seen an image of what it looked like before and I would be very curious to know more. The control panel is still there with a wall clock above it. Explored at the end of the afternoon, the sunset pierced its golden rays through the large bay windows giving the large empty room a majestic appearance. I particularly appreciate power plants where the architecture leaves room for natural light. Electricity may be produced there to light lamps, but nothing matches the natural beauty of the sun as a light source.

Elsewhere in the building we find a control room, another great discovery of this place, which overlooks the electrical distribution station plunged into darkness. The latter is in a state room, you can see everywhere the passage of vandals and thieves who have broken and taken things. Despite its very empty appearance and some traces of vandalism, this power station remains very interesting to see, especially during the golden hours. 

ℹ️ Etat actuel: abandon

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One Reply to “Power Plant High Voltage (Krachtstroom) 🇧🇪”

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    Merci d’avance

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