Somewhere in the Belgian Ardennes, we can find these vestiges of a former vacation center called "Les Dolimarts". Popular from the 60s to the 80s, this holiday center consisted of several buildings, including a hotel, small cottages, a restaurant and dance hall as well as many other attractions (mini-golf, fun house, shops…).
Today, the only things that remain are the cottages, these singular white constructions with triangular shape, scattered on about twenty hectares. The nature got over it since then and the state of the buildings degraded over time. Only one of them still possesses its staircase to reach the second floor.
The site was at some point considered as a shelter for refugees, but the project was abandoned. For now, the only thing to do is watch one last time these amazing geometrical forms being swallowed by nature, before they disappear too…
ℹ️ Current state: abandoned
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