Abandoned warehouse. I had spotted this place on Google Maps and decided to take a look. Seeing no signs of activity and the abandoned look of the building, I decided to go in. The place contains a pile of stored garbage. A mysterious logo, "A", does not tell us more about the name of the company that occupied these places. The place was already partially dismantled during my exploration and there are airsoft installations. Was it (or is it still) a place to store waste, such as coating / insulation for buildings? The trash at the site looks a little like asbestos, but the complete lack of security, of "asbestos" logo and the fact that the site is completely open suggests that it is probably something else. I'm not expert, so feel free to comment if you have more informations/suggestions about what this place might be.
ℹ️ Current state: unsure
Dans le même genre, il y en a un proche de Givet 🙂