Ce petit avion bleu sympathique perdu dans la forêt semble témoigner d'un tragique crash mais n'est qu'un simple décor de film.
Read MoreSwamp Chalet 🇧🇪
This charming fisherman's hut with its wooded interior lies derelict on swampy land. It doesn't take us long to explore the interior.
Read MoreChâteau Fauconnier 🇧🇪
Abandoned manor house on a charming estate in Belgium. The site has been heavily ransacked.
Read MorePiscine P 🇧🇪
Former outdoor swimming pool inaugurated in 1927 and abandoned since 2008, surrounded by nature.
Read MoreSNCB Control Room M 🇧🇪
Railway control cabins somewhere in Belgium. The buildings are today abandoned.
Read MoreChâteau Rouge 🇧🇪
Castle somewhere in Belgium, built in a Renaissance style in 1889. It has been abandoned since 2006.
Read MoreFiesta Cabanon 🇧🇪
Cabanon abandonné et restes d'un véhicule calciné, perdus au milieu des bois.
Read MoreManoir aux statues 🇧🇪
L'Ermitage des Cascatelles à Waulsort, villa isolée en bord de Meuse, lieu abandonné très connu à l’époque.
Read MoreWhite Wall 🇧🇪
Unknown ruins of an old factory or workshop near the Belgian-French border.
Read MoreLost Patrol 🇧🇪
Tank and military vehicles scattered on the edge of a Belgian army military training area.
Read MoreAteliers St-M (Shed C) 🇧🇪
Former Belgian rail workshops converted into a depot, store and reconditioning for various electrical equipment in the 1980s.
Read MoreBlack Cokes 🇧🇪
Former coking plant in Belgium dating from 1952, today in an advanced state of disrepair.
Read MoreTuberie de Nimy 🇧🇪
The activity of this industrial site was metallurgical and included various installations. The abandoned part of the site dates back to 1955.
Read MoreMaison Ikea 🇧🇪
Je suis tombé sur ces bâtiments sur ma route. Il devait s’agir d’une petite ferme ou autre établissement rural ayant du cesser ses activités suite à l’arrivée d’un grosse entreprise à ses côtés, sans...
Read MoreSquat Monastery 🇧🇪
Cet ancien couvent Jésuite fut un temps un squat très fréquenté et controversé de Belgique. Le bâtiment est annexé de son église construite en 1860. Visite au smartphone, faute d'appareil photo sous la main.
Read MoreLost Village Z 🇧🇪
Ces maisons, granges et autres petites installations en proie à la végétation se dressent tel un petit village-ferme abandonné en pleine nature.
Read MoreEntrepôt A 🇧🇪
Abandoned warehouse discovered on my way. It would appear to be a waste storage site.
Read MoreLost Eurostar 🇫🇷
Restes abandonnés d'un Eurostar dans le nord de la France. Il s'agit de l'un des nombreux trains Eurostar de classe 373 mis en service en 1994. Ceux-ci étaient conçus pour transporter des passagers de...
Read MoreVinegar factory L'Etoile 🇧🇪
Former workshops of a major Belgian vinegar factory, in operation from 1968 to 2017.
Read MoreMoto-Club 🇧🇪
Anciens quartiers d'un club de moto régional, cet espace était un lieu de rassemblement pour les motards du coin.
Read MoreDelbrassinne 🇧🇪
This site, made up of various warehouses, was the head office of a former major Walloon civil engineering company that went bankrupt in 2004.
Read MoreChâteau-Hôtel Balzat 🇧🇪
Cette magnifique bâtisse construite en 1925 était la résidence d’un couple à l’histoire particulière...
Read MoreEurofonderie 🇧🇪
Until 1976, Eurofonderie was part of Mélotte, a major Belgian manufacturer of agricultural equipment. After that, the building was converted directly into a manufacturer of automotive materials, and the company held on until the beginning of the...
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